Wednesday, August 26, 2015

He has Finally Arrived!

Our 5th and final bundle of Joy decided he was ready to join us.. well he wasnt but the dr said otherwise lol

Joshua Lee Hawkins was born 7/22/15 weighing 9 pounds 9 ounces 1 day after his due date which was also the 2 year anniversary of my brothers passing, bittersweet to say the least. Finally a month later Im starting to feel like a normal human being again! School has started and we have somewhat of a routine, Breastfeeding has been rough but here we are still going strong!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Ive been out of the loop for a good year, 2013 was a bad year 2014 was off to a rocky start but ended on a good note, we are expecting baby #5 July 21 2015! A wonderful surprise for us he is due on the 2 year anniversary of my brothers death, we will name him after my brother we are very excited for him as now I will have 2 sons and 3 girls and of course my nephew Jakey who I love as my own.

With all the excitment Ive figured it is indeed time to get back to my blogging, couponing, and all things frugal!